Sarsenapati Hambir Rao Mohite: The forgotten warrior of Swarajya

No one likes history. It is story of the forgotten, the dead. Majority of students mug history lessons only to score marks. There was no bonding between the student and the historical lessons. Blame it on the teachers who didn’t take any interest to make the history interesting for students. One such historical figure from Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s time was the Maratha general Hambirrao Mohite. He played a pivotal role in strengthening Swarajya. His allegiance to Shivaji Maharaj’s son Sambhaji was an important event in Maratha history. Till his last breath, he supported Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj. After the death of Shivaji’s commander-in-chief Pratap Rao Gujar, there was not a single person who could step in his shoes. At this critical juncture, Hansaji Mohite was appointed as the Senapati of Maratha army. After his appointment as the Senapati, Hansaji came to be known as Hambirrao.

Pravin tarde as sarsenapati hambirrao

 Hambirrao carried out many successful campaigns under the leadership of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. The sacking of Burhanpur was one of the dangerous missions of Hambirrao. This mission was conducted under the command of Chhatrapati Sambhaji. After the untimely death of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, his widow, Soyrabai started conspiring against Sambhaji. Since Hambirrao was the elder brother of Soyrabai, she started pressurizing him to place the little Rajaram on the throne. But Hambirrao chose to stay loyal to Sambhaji. There are speculations that it was Soyrabai who was responsible for death of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. She was the one who used to give slow poison to Chhatrapati in form of mercury. Other speculate that Shivaji Raje died due to fever and extreme exhaustion. Whatever may be the conspiracy theory, Hambirrao succeeded to have Sambhaji on the throne. Battle with Portuguese at Revdanda fort was an important chapter in the military career of Hambirrao. But Maratha army lost great warriors like Krishnaji Kank.

Hambirrao’s martyrdom was a great blow to Sambhaji Maharaj. A battle with Mughals in Wai proved fatal for Hambirrao. Though the battle was won, he was hit by cannon ball fired by Mughal commander Sarja Khan. Thus ended the legacy of Sarsenapati Hambirrao Mohite. Had Hambirrao survived, Sambhaji Maharaj wouldn’t have never been betrayed and killed by Mughals. The history would have been different. Post the martyrdom of Hambirrao, his daughter Tarabai continued his legacy. She later married Rajaram, the younger brother of Sambhaji Maharaj. After death of Chhatrapati Rajaram, Queen Tarabai later continued the battle against Mughals. The 2022 movie – Sarsenapati Hambirrao gave teeth to my words to pay my tribute to the forgotten warrior. Actor Pravin Tarde’s role as Hambirrao is highly convincing and sent goosebumps of courage and patriotism. It was one of the best historical biopics I thoroughly loved since ‘Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior’ and Legend of Bhagat Singh. Without great heroes like Tanaji, Baji Prabhu, Shiva Kashid, Murarbaji and Hambirrao, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s ambition of gaining Swarajya wouldn’t have been successful. I am keen to read ‘Chava’ and ‘Shriman Yogi’ which are based on life and times of Shivaji Maharaj and his son Sambhaji. As long as our generation remembers Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, they will also remember the great Senapati Hambirrao Mohite.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. KalaBhawani says:

    Fantastic dr Sahb, inspiring story!!!

    1. prashantb says:

      Thanks bhavani saab for your encouraging words

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